Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gwanak Mountain

The trail runs along a creek bed almost the entire hike up from the trailhead in Gwacheon.

This a shot looking up at the main temple building as you approach Gwanak Sa. There were hundreds of other hikers around the temple and peaks. The large antenna in the background appears to be attached to the building but is not. There are a number of large antennae and an observatory and weather station on the ridges near the peak.

I think this is the main temple. Underneath it is a building with a cafeteria that serves meals to pilgrims and visitors. I was hungry but didn't want to hike back down with a full stomach, so I ended up buying a red bean popsicle from a vendor at the peak. They also had ramen and rice wine available near the top.

I'm guessing that sign says "Gwanak Temple" in Chinese characters, but I have no idea.

This appears to be a smaller and older temple built on a rock cliff near the very top. I wanted to go inside and take some pictures, but it was packed with Buddhists praying.

You get a 360 degree view of Seoul from the top. This is a shot looking down at the Gangnam suburb.

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